Public Media Sources
Media Sources about Child Abduction and "PAS"
Child Abduction and The Consequences
To all of you who truly do not understand the consequences of Child Abduction and the “Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)” on children, please find some important information and sources to familiarize yourself with the topic.
Parent who claims to love their children would never force and manipulate their children with Despotic and ruthless methods to reject the other parent. That parent has already lost, and in most cases, that parent has severe emotional disorders and purposely destroys and endangers that child to satisfy their jealousy and ego.
#2022 Dr. Bob Evans Alienation Cases – Parental Alienation: From Couch to Courtroom and Beyond
Nicolaos A.A. Cheropoulos
Father of Anthie’ and Alexandra
Stockholm, May 2022
Revised, Oct. 2023
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